The world is more dangerous than poisonous snakes. Poisonous snake is about 400th Poisonous snakes do not use their poison that killed all around him, but it used to have food. It may be noted the difference between a poisonous snake and not poisonous by the fact that poisonous snakes have a neck in the shape of a triangle.
Size snakes can be from 10 cm up to 12 meters how big most larger Python Snake in the world. Snakes can live according to some research, and up to 40 years. All snakes in the world lay his eggs from which to continue the species. Females make 10 to 100 eggs, and their shape is different from species to species. When you bring your eggs in the world they take care of them while the young snakes do not rise and become independent to take care of themselves.
All snakes in the world today, food and all meats are among the carnivorous group. Some snakes kill their prey to poison and swallowed it, some of their prey Dave grasp as it is about him and some snakes to swallow their prey alive. Snakes can eat prey that is 5 times heavier than them all from a single bite that this predator makes an incredible creature on the planet.
The world today is found around 2394 types serpent of which 2000 are not poisonous and about 400 are poisonous. Poisonous snakes can not be found in states such as New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland, Antarctica. There are terrestrial and aquatic snakes. Ground Snakes live on every continent, while water snake has a small number compared to the ground.
Snake bite
When the snake bites its prey she leaves two wounds from the teeth. When the snake bites its victim it does not mean that the infected prey to poison. Sometimes they fail to bring their poison into the body of the victims, but it still happens very rarely with poisonous snakes.
After a bite to rest, and as soon as possible seek medical help. By no means should not put ice on the wound.

Sometimes they fail to bring their poison into the body of the victims, but it still happens very rarely with poisonous snakes. After a bite to rest, and as soon as possible seek medical help. By no means should not put ice on the wound.
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