Some things are nice to share...
...and somethings are...ah...
In some bizarre-o, 1980's giant-world, a very large Jennifer Beals is missing her sweatshirt. I also see that we've moved beyond skants now and are just using the sleeves as leg warmers...or as I now like to call them, Slegwarmers©.
"Honey, see, I told you everything would be swell, just swell! Jim and Bob hardly made any fun of you at all, and you know how those boys are, they'll probably be too hungover to bring it up at your sales meeting with the boss tomorrow anyway. Now, don't you pay any attention to that camera!
...Oh Tommy, *sigh, I wish you wouldn't drink so much. "
Emasculation via Knitwear circa 1963.
...Remember that scene in Alien?
You know...
This one?
I'm seeing a similarity, although Mom seems a lot happier about her lil' chestburster than Kane did.
...and somethings are...ah...
In some bizarre-o, 1980's giant-world, a very large Jennifer Beals is missing her sweatshirt. I also see that we've moved beyond skants now and are just using the sleeves as leg warmers...or as I now like to call them, Slegwarmers©.
"Honey, see, I told you everything would be swell, just swell! Jim and Bob hardly made any fun of you at all, and you know how those boys are, they'll probably be too hungover to bring it up at your sales meeting with the boss tomorrow anyway. Now, don't you pay any attention to that camera!
...Oh Tommy, *sigh, I wish you wouldn't drink so much. "
Emasculation via Knitwear circa 1963.
...Remember that scene in Alien?
You know...
This one?
Lego version used for the sake of the squeamish, and because it's awesome.
I'm seeing a similarity, although Mom seems a lot happier about her lil' chestburster than Kane did.
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