Animals in clothes...*sigh.* Honestly, I'm not a fan. Sure, it can lead to some hilarious pictures, but boy, do I feel sorry for those little guys. I just imagine they feel a little bit of shame themselves. I mean, that's why God gave them those lovely fur coats, so they'd never have to be subjected to Grandma Mavis's idea of "adorable." However, it seems as if the urge to share the joy of the Christmas sweater has spread to our pets. "Awwww, isn't muffin just the cutest thing!?"

"Mr. Jingles, just smile! This is going on the family Christmas card!" "No Mr. Puddin' Cakes, I can't...I just can't. I mean...my dignity...to have it be stripped away from me in such a fashion. I thought the last straw was that whole incident at the Vet involving that thermometer thing, but this...this...I simply can't abide! I'm going to piddle in every shoe in the house come Christmas morning!"

*Spritzerdoodle thinks to himself*
"My great-great grandfather was an Arctic wolf...master of all he surveyed, king of the tundra, taking whatever prey he willed. Me, I get a reindeer hat..."

Wow, it even comes with a beard! Now, it's not really a sweater, but pooch in a Santa suit qualifies for sure! I guess he and Spritzerdoodle team up Christmas Eve to deliver doggy treats to all the pooches who have been subjected to the wrath of the sweater.
Hmmm...it seems to be pug owners who have a bit of a fetish for festive pooches.However, dogs don't get all the fun, oh no, you give us four legs, we'll give you holiday hilarity!
Oh kitty...

*Whiskers McWhiskerson* : " Because of this...if you die and no one finds you...I am soooo going to eat you."
This is "Edna" and as you can see for yourself, she's simply given up.

Ok...hmmm...this might be the exception to the rule. It's one of those hairless Sphinx cats that looks like an angry old man. Maybe he gets cold in the winter and the sweater is actually purposeful...yet...I'm guessing it's really not the main reason why we've got him trussed up like a holiday turkey.
Also, for a real treat, check out this article from last year's Seattle Times...talk about a treasure trove. That gem below is just a small sample of the wonders that await you...

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