Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Not a long post today, just a little something to mark the occasion. I'd write more, but I'm too chocked full of tryptophan and contentment to bother. Now, if you're not American and don't celebrate the holiday, then I just hope you've had a great Thursday. If you haven't, then I hope this horrific, holiday hat puts a smile on your face. I think disastrously amazing knitwear is something we can all be thankful for, regardless of nationality. Gobble gobble everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The High Cost of Fashion...

Now, from what I can gather by reading the description of this, it's a custom piece, and you can have one made specifically for your um, needs. Now, I'm certainly not impugning the skill it took to create...this, but the cost for this particular piece is $650.

Six hundred and fifty dollars.

 Six hundred? Fine, who would pass up that deal, but six fifty? Sir, you go too far! Oh well, if you have some insatiable need to have the Energizer bunny traveling through Mario world along with a disgruntled Gummi Bear and a pink...thing emblazoned on your chest, then I suppose no price is too high.

The Fader
"Well, it won't keep you warm, and the neck hole will actually allow your whole body to slip through it, causing embarrassing, if highly comical moments, but I promise you, it's the height of fashion."
I have no idea what either of these cost, but I will assume "too much."

 Fashion is Stupid
That pretty much covers my thoughts, and by the looks of his face, his too.

style blog via
You'll notice in that first photo that I've added a...uh, a "crotchular addition." You see, that particular pair of pants comes in 'anatomically correct,' and while that's all well and good, I don' t want to bother with any kind of mature ratings on the blog. Now, I suppose those pants would be alright if you were say, a Ken doll, but I don't think most guys want to go walking around with a fake set of dangly bits bopping around in front of them. What's the price for one of these gems? Your dignity.

Oh, and yeah, apparently all of that is manly high fashion. I know the one on the top right just makes my heart go all a twitter.

Anyway, if you must, click the link for the full Monty.

The Fashion Police
I like to call this one "December on Bourbon Street."  I suppose if it's a little too nipply, er, nippy outside you could still give the illusion of showing off the goods. You know, I'm thinking a specific pair of pants paired with this sweater could make for a really confusing outfit. Manoush says it can be yours for only £130. As far as the design? I will never believe this wasn't intentional. My only question is why they chose 'pancake on a nail' for placement?

...and that's all I got.

...except for this...which, I actually, really, really like.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What To Wear To Deathly Hallows...


I can't help myself. I love Harry Potter and all Potterphernalia. Most of these are fan made items, and that rocks my Ravenclaw socks off...well, it would if they were mine...just keep scrolling! 

 I want it.

I want it.

I want it.

 I want them.

Wizarding World Gifts
I want them.

I want it...and yes, would wear it.

Becky and Daniel
I want it...with an E. (Though Liz could work with L!)

I want it.

 the leaky cauldron
I want them.

I want live! :(
Oh Snape, I always trusted you!

I want them all! I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to the midnight premiere, which saddens me, but, a friend and I plan to go Friday night! I am so ready to see this movie. I don't have a Harry Potter sweater to wear, but having been to Hogwarts, I have a few shirts to choose from...(fyi, HP world is in Orlando is aaaaamazing!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hedwig And The Angry Itch...

What? Wool sweaters are totally itchy. Sorry, I just couldn't resist the title. However, I digress because the subject of this post isn't a jilted, post-op, German singer, it's

Well, more specifically, Hedwig the owl. In honor of Hedwig and this week's release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, I'm bringing you some awesome sweaters of which our feathered friend would highly approve!

I LOVE this collar of owls, especially their little button eyes. It's like having an entire owlry from shoulder to shoulder but without the poop! It's things like this that make me wish I could knit, or that I had a generous friend who could.  Kate Davies, the creator of this sweater is a skilled artist in the realm of knitwear design and a historical writer and academic specialising in nineteenth-century literature, textile history, and material culture. The pattern for this piece is available, along with others.

You can really "feel the Hedwig" in this snowy piece.

Style Bytes
Back in 2005, H&M got in on the sweet trend with this shoulder sweeping owl.  I'm actually wearing a sweater just like this today, (minus hood) but mine is sans magical, in-your-face inherently, it's not as cool.

Live Journal
I can totally see a Weasley in this, but it works just as well on a Muggle. I'm not sure if Brown and Sound is still producing this or anything for that matter, but you never know what might turn up on ebay, in a thrift shop, or the room of requirements. Still, if you still can't get your hands on one, the shop for Flight of the Conchords offers a pretty decent substitute.

Kate Spade's Beacon Hill Owl Graphic Sweater. It's an angry looking little thing. I love the colors though!

Live Journal
Even Gleeks love owls! A sweater this cool will keep you from a bad reputation. (seewhatididthere?)

This is cute. This is hurt your teeth sweetness on a sweater. I think it looks like Ron Weasley's little owl Pig, kind of innocently neurotic. The best thing about it though...

Both at Gap can buy it in a onesie for a behbehchild!

Knut on Flickr
Ok, I'm usually not a big fan of animals in clothing. It just seems...unnatural and undignified, but...this is adorable! Plus, it was just meant to be. The dog's name is Knut...a kind of currency in Harry Potter! Kismet? I think so.  As I scroll down the flickr comments, I see that Knut actually hates his sweater (which proves my point about animal clothes) but it's just too cute. I'm sorry Knut, but you should be a breed that doesn't look so adorable in tiny clothes.

Dollar Store Crafts
Of course, you can always make your own owl wear. If you can't knit, no problem, just use the skill of someone else! This beanie and scarf was crafted from a dollar store sweater vest. A bit of felt, some minor cutting and stitching, and you're good to go!

Well, there are scads of other fantastic owl themed pieces on the interwebs, but it's lunchtime for me and I'm just tired of typing so here's a picture of Harry and Hedwig.

 Laura Erickson
Also, I'm hoping, come Friday at Midnight, I'll be sitting in my local imax waiting for the start of Deathly Hallows part 1! I don't have any Felix Felicis, so wish me luck in getting a ticket! Oh, I hope it's good!

Monday, November 15, 2010

That's Just...Yeah. Well, That's Just Weird.

Alien meets Care Bear...

...Meets Kitty Pryde from X-Men.
Phong, the fella wearing this, is the creator. Either he's a lot of fun at the office and everyone is excited to see what mad-capped shenanigan he'll come up with next, or he's on the company watch list.

...And so the seemingly innocuous Snuggie proves to be a parasitic life form. Clearly the host has been overcome by the creature, and is in the process of being absorbed.

Children of the NES, don't you dare tell me you don't see the resemblance.

Machineisorganic flickr
*Cue Barry White*
Ah, the 70s, it was a simple time. A time when it was OK to have a little soft-core porn on your sweater, and the image on this afternoon delight, practically purrs, "let's get it on." Who could resist that bold and manly Afro, that bright yellow, wide collared shirt? Certainly not his well knit lady. She never stood a chance. Wear that vintage treasure proudly young man. I hope you had it cleaned first, and by cleaned, I mean soaked in penicillin.

Kye Crow
I'm not saying this isn't kind of cool. I'm just saying it's weird. Kye Crow, pictured here, has a store on Etsy, and in that store, she has some pretty sweet clothes. (seriously.) Click the link and check it out. I bet if you could turn the 60s into an outfit, it would look like this. See you at Burning Man!

You bet it is kid. You bet it is. (Are you a young Mark Harmon?)

The Craft Begins
The irony. 

OK, so this isn't a sweater...and I'm pretty sure it's made out of leather. I hope it's made out of leather. (It rubs the lotion on its skin...) It was just too good/weird not to post. I wonder if they make these in all body types? Can you buy one in an "overweight, hairy guy" style, or "prison tat"? What about another ethnicity? Is there a girl version? Would you be arrested for wearing it, uh, au natural? So many questions! Is it even real? IS IT EVEN REAL?

*Sigh...moving on...

Marikaart on Deviant Art
This is weird, but in the best way possible. Marikaart on Deviant Art has managed to combine two amazing themes into this piece named Trio. Harry Potter and ugly sweaters...oh, how I love it when worlds collide! Those sweaters are just supermegafoxyawesomehot!

avada kedavra post

Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm Super. Thanks For Asking!

I wonder what kind of woman would wear this? Probably Kaby, pictured above, who made this awesome Wonder Woman inspired sweater.

missaprillynn's flickr
Man, here's another handmade gem that's just Super. Though I know it would increase the odds of getting sucked into a jet engine, I'd love to see this with a little knit cape...though I'd save that for 'evening wear.'

craft chick's flickr
Aw! Yeah, it's like winter in Metropolis.

The Green Lantern. I love the fact that this costume looks homemade...and I mean that as a compliment. I think it's awesome, from the knitted mask, right down to the matching Chuck Taylors. Oh, and that sweater, sure, it makes a great costume, but don't think for a moment I wouldn't wear that to the office if it was mine.

"In these I work to forge the link between childhood experience and an adult understanding of protection, masculinity, and heroism." -Artist Mark Newport. Check out the link for more of Mark's knit costumes. There's also a plethera of other comic book infused fiber art on his site. And finally, Mr. Newport, the fact that Mr. Fantastic's costume is so long is hilarious. Well played sir. Well played.

Can't decide on a favorite super? Split the difference like knitter Zach M! Zach and his gang at Men who Knit are proving that dudes can be just as creative as the ladies when it comes to crafting up some fine fibers.

Midnight Scribbles
But why settle for a paltry dynamic duo when you can have a whole Justice League? Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, Supes, Wonder Woman, Bats, and the Green Lantern are all representing...The Flash and Aquaman are also included, though you can't see them in this shot. Here's the pattern if you want to make one yo'self.

Can't knit? Well, that's alright, there are still some pretty slick commercial wears out there, though you might have to hunt for them.

The Thrifty Knitter
This sweater looks like it was hit by a little kryptonite. However, the thrifty knitter Nikol plans to put it to rights. It's the American way. (Along with truth and justice...and apple pie. Who doesn't like pie? Lex Luthor, that's who.)
Vintage Bats. There is just so much about this sweater that I don't understand. Why is it yellow and red? Is it actually made for a woman? Because the cut makes me think so. Is Batman brooding or just constipated? Did Adam West approve this message?

If the Ketchup and Mustard number isn't making you think "WOW! BAM! POW!" then you might prefer the more subtle, classic approch of  the H&M Batman sweater. You'll find it in the little boy's section. So, if you, like the above girlchild, are cursed/blessed, depending on your point of view, with a petite frame, it can be yours as well.

Stay super everyone.