What? Wool sweaters are totally itchy. Sorry, I just couldn't resist the title. However, I digress because the subject of this post isn't a jilted, post-op, German singer, it's
HARRY POTTER!Well, more specifically, Hedwig the owl. In honor of Hedwig and this week's release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, I'm bringing you some awesome sweaters of which our feathered friend would highly approve!
I LOVE this collar of owls, especially their little button eyes. It's like having an entire owlry from shoulder to shoulder but without the poop! It's things like this that make me wish I could knit, or that I had a generous friend who could. Kate Davies, the creator of this sweater is a skilled artist in the realm of knitwear design and
a historical writer and academic specialising in nineteenth-century literature, textile history, and material culture. The pattern for this piece is available, along with others.
EtsyYou can really "feel the Hedwig" in this snowy piece.
Style BytesBack in 2005, H&M got in on the sweet trend with this shoulder sweeping owl. I'm actually wearing a sweater just like this today, (minus hood) but mine is sans magical, in-your-face owl...so inherently, it's not as cool.
Live JournalI can totally see a Weasley in this, but it works just as well on a Muggle. I'm not sure if
Brown and Sound is still producing this or anything for that matter, but you never know what might turn up on ebay, in a thrift shop, or the room of requirements. Still, if you still can't get your hands on one, the shop for Flight of the Conchords offers a pretty decent
followsales Kate Spade's Beacon Hill Owl Graphic Sweater. It's an angry looking little thing. I love the colors though!
Live Journal Even Gleeks love owls! A sweater this cool will keep you from a bad reputation.
(seewhatididthere?)This is cute. This is hurt your teeth sweetness on a sweater. I think it looks like Ron Weasley's little owl Pig, kind of innocently neurotic. The best thing about it though...
Both at Gap ...you can buy it in a onesie for a behbehchild!
Knut on FlickrOk, I'm usually not a big fan of animals in clothing. It just seems...unnatural and undignified, but...this is adorable! Plus, it was just meant to be. The dog's name is Knut...a kind of currency in Harry Potter! Kismet? I think so. As I scroll down the flickr comments, I see that Knut actually hates his sweater (which proves my point about animal clothes) but it's just too cute. I'm sorry Knut, but you should be a breed that doesn't look so adorable in tiny clothes.
Dollar Store CraftsOf course, you can always make your own owl wear. If you can't knit, no problem, just use the skill of someone else! This beanie and scarf was crafted from a dollar store sweater vest. A bit of felt, some minor cutting and stitching, and you're good to go!
Well, there are scads of other fantastic owl themed pieces on the interwebs, but it's lunchtime for me and I'm just tired of typing so here's a picture of Harry and Hedwig.
Laura EricksonAlso, I'm hoping, come Friday at Midnight, I'll be sitting in my local imax waiting for the start of Deathly Hallows part 1! I don't have any Felix Felicis, so wish me luck in getting a ticket! Oh, I hope it's good!