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Monday, December 20, 2010
The Private Collection...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...
"You don't want to put it here." -Jingles the cat
Anne's Food
"Depression hurts." At least, that's what I think this little kitty's face is telling me. It goes to prove my continual point about animals in clothes, kind of like a non-frightening rule 34. If it exists, an animal will eventually be forced to wear it. No exceptions.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tanuki Characteristics and Behavior
Tanukis have stout, rounded bodies, short legs and black and grey fur. They can reach a length of 60 centimeters and have distinctive stripes of black fur under their eyes, a bit like pandas or raccoons. Males have large testicles and scrotums which allows them to mate frequently.
Unlike many members of the dog family, which are fast and travel in packs, tanukis are largely slow-moving solitary animals. Their short legs and compact profile are adapted for life in the forest. Rather than chasing down prey they are they more likely to amble along, foraging whatever they can find. They are active mostly at night.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I mean, fourth of Ju...uh, Christmas, yeah, Happy Chri, er Merry Christmas!
Still, the only kind of person I can really see wearing it is this guy:
Bonne chance outdoing this one from Grand Pari. A little wine, the city of lights, this sweater, and before the end of the night, you'll be asking some attractive stranger Souhaitez-vous crochet avec moi ce soir?
On the picture it says "Tacky xmas sweater delight '08" however, the web address tells me it's actually "super-mega-monster-tacky-delight" which I think is more appropriate. So kawaii! Mickey, I have to say I am a little disappointed in your offering. You can do better than that, just look at the crazy get ups these anime-girls-come-to-life have found! Pull it together. Are you a man or a mou...oh.
(I just realized, as a child, I owned and happily wore the exact same sweater as orange-hair girl. Wow.)
It's like I can see the future movie of this guy's life being cast now. "And in the part of Robbie, the lonely, socially inept, yet naively charming intern, is Steve Carell."
I need to watch this...like, now.
How is it already the 8th of December!? It seems like only yesterday that I was writing about hideous turkey hats.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!
I can't bring myself to make fun of these. The lady that creates them does so via custom orders. Each one is handmade per customer specifications and, AND, she happily makes custom UGLY sweaters if that's what you request. How awesome is that? Well, let me tell you, it's pretty dang awesome. Her favorite ugly sweater will most definitely be featured in a future post. If you want a custom piece, they don't come cheap, but they're 'heirloom quality,' and heirloom hilarious.
I know. It's not a sweater, but...
I couldn't sit back and in good conscience, not post these. "Pants of David." PANTS. OF. DAVID. Yes, that's the actual name...and I think they pair perfectly with...
CatsFive Flickr
...this. If that face doesn't say "Happy Hanukkah," I don't know what does! Probably the one on the menorah, though that face might just say something like "MARGLEGARGEHARG!!" while waving around its crazy flaming arms.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The High Cost of Fashion...

The Fader
I have no idea what either of these cost, but I will assume "too much."
Fashion is Stupid
That pretty much covers my thoughts, and by the looks of his face, his too.
style blog via neomoda.com
You'll notice in that first photo that I've added a...uh, a "crotchular addition." You see, that particular pair of pants comes in 'anatomically correct,' and while that's all well and good, I don' t want to bother with any kind of mature ratings on the blog. Now, I suppose those pants would be alright if you were say, a Ken doll, but I don't think most guys want to go walking around with a fake set of dangly bits bopping around in front of them. What's the price for one of these gems? Your dignity.
Oh, and yeah, apparently all of that is manly high fashion. I know the one on the top right just makes my heart go all a twitter.
Anyway, if you must, click the link for the full Monty.
The Fashion Police
I like to call this one "December on Bourbon Street." I suppose if it's a little too nipply, er, nippy outside you could still give the illusion of showing off the goods. You know, I'm thinking a specific pair of pants paired with this sweater could make for a really confusing outfit. Manoush says it can be yours for only £130. As far as the design? I will never believe this wasn't intentional. My only question is why they chose 'pancake on a nail' for placement?
...and that's all I got.
...except for this...which, I actually, really, really like.