Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

And the prettiest sight you'll see is the sweater that will be at your own thrift store!

 Like this one. I was perusing the isles the other day, seeing what goods the old thrift shop had to offer and I came across this gem. I think somebody got their needles crossed. I mean, I'm as proud to be an American as the next, uh, American, but really? I needed a tacky sweater for a party, but I couldn't bring myself to purchase this one. Now that I'm looking at it again, I kind of wish I had. It's not like there isn't precedence for it...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I mean, fourth of Ju...uh, Christmas, yeah, Happy Chri, er Merry Christmas!

Still, the only kind of person I can really see wearing it is this guy:

Then there's this. I'm not sure, but I think maybe Santa got into someone's stash of 'special' milk and cookies. "The candy canes, they're like...whoa. It's like everything's moving in slow motion!" 

I did buy a couple of sweaters, but they're for another blog. In the meantime, let's see what the interwebs has to offer...
Herb of DC
Bonne chance outdoing this one from Grand Pari.  A little wine, the city of lights, this sweater, and before the end of the night, you'll be asking some attractive stranger Souhaitez-vous crochet avec moi ce soir?

On the picture it says "Tacky xmas sweater delight '08" however, the web address tells me it's actually "super-mega-monster-tacky-delight" which I think is more appropriate. So kawaii! Mickey,  I have to say I am a little disappointed in your offering. You can do better than that, just look at the crazy get ups these anime-girls-come-to-life have found! Pull it together. Are you a man or a mou...oh.
(I just realized, as a child, I owned and happily wore the exact same sweater as orange-hair girl. Wow.)

It's like I can see the future movie of this guy's life being cast now. "And in the part of Robbie, the lonely, socially inept, yet naively charming intern, is Steve Carell."

I need to watch, now.

How is it already the 8th of December!? It seems like only yesterday that I was writing about hideous turkey hats. 

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